164 billion in 'value' for its customers last yearAmazon (AMZN) founder Jeff Bezos' final letter as CEO estimates that the e commerce giant created $164 billion in value for its customers last year, including $126 billion in value for its Prime members and $38 billion for Amazon Web Services (AWS) customers.In the wide ranging letter, Bezos revealed that Prime membership surpassed 200 million last year worldwide. According to Bezos, 28% of these customers buy something on Amazon in threeminutes or less, and half finish making a purchase in under 15 minutes. He noted that a typical shopping trip to a physical store takes about an hour when taking in driving, parking, shopping, and the checkout into account."If you assume that a typical Amazon purchase takes 15 minutes and that it saves you a couple of trips to a physical store a week, that's more than 75 hours a year saved. That's important. We're all busy in the early 21st century," he wrote.Using a "conservative" $10 per hour estimate, Bezos concluded that the 75 hours saved minus the Prime membership cost gave each member $630 in value. With 200 million members globally, that equates to $126 billion in total value creation last year.[Read more: Amazon Prime now has 200 million members, jumping 50 million in one year]Bezos acknowledged that determining the value creation for AWS is challenging, but his "conservative" estimate is $38 billion, bringing total customer value creation across AWS and Prime to $164billion.Bezos noted that Amazon created $21.3 billion value for shareholders its net income for the year. Since going public in 1997, Amazon has created $1.6 trillion of wealth for shareholders."Who are they? Your Chair is one, and my Amazon shares have made me wealthy. But more than 7/8ths of the shares, representing $1.4 trillion of wealth creation, are owned by others," he added.The 57 year old is the world's richest person, with an estimated net worth of $196.4 billion, according toForbes.He added that for Amazon's 1.3 million employees worldwide, the company generated $80 billion, plus another $11 billion in benefits, for a total of $91 billion.Leer másBezos estimates that for third party sellers on its platform, profits were between $25 billion and $39 billion, but "to be conservative," he went with $25 billion for his value creation figure. More than 1.9 million small and medium sized businesses sell on Amazon, accounting for nearly 60% of its retail sales, he noted earlier.In summary, Bezos noted that the value created for shareholders was $21 billion, for employees $91 billion, for third party sellers $25 billion, and for customers $164 billion, at a total of $301 billion."If each group had an income statement representing their interactions with Amazon, the numbers above would be the 'bottom lines' from those income statements. These numbers are part of the reason why people work for us, why sellers sell through us, and why customers buy from us.We create value for them. And this value creation is not a zero sum game. It is not just moving money from one pocket to another. Draw the box big around all of society, and you'll find that invention is the root of all real value creation. And value created is best thought of as a metric for innovation," Bezos wrote.Julia La Roche is a correspondent for Yahoo Finance. Follow her on Twitter.READ MORE:Goldman Sachs earnings smash expectations on banking boom, record revenueJPMorgan Q1 earnWe're entering a new weekend with new planetary motions, such as mercury, which connects Uranus. So the universe tells us that it's time for the signs of the zodiac to be as they are, fearless. The weather in Aries (March 21 to April 20) can be very complicated, but even so, your ability is still amazing. No matter how much pressure she has © Yes, you can stay calm and just listen to Cora.yes. All these qualities make you the next ideal person. you too © You know everything you can do. SA is part of your strength. You have a lot of power, but © It should be used only when strictly necessary. Taurus (April 21 to May 21) people tend to give us some advice to encourage us not to lose confidence. But I want to know who it is © Should we give it to our family, politicians or friends? So what? © If someoneHave you let us down? Are we going to take it as an isolated fact? All of these problems are complex. But I encourage you to be brave enough to think about this weekend. Don't worry, because the universe is around you. Gminis (May 22 to June 22) you may have heard that "trust is disgusting" and we behave even worse towards our favorite people. No one said we did it out of malice. However, our feelings may notWe play a bad pass from time to time, which is why we can't do what we expect. Since mercury, your regent, is in contact with another unpredictable Uranus this weekend, I suggest you don't be afraid. If you can keep calm, everything will pass. Cncer (June 23 to July 23) has always said that in the end, justice always wins. I think whoever said it © What's wrong © it's meThe EU is good, and the intention behind it. But the truth is that the universe is not easy to explain, which is why they can't understate. Only humans have this ability. This weekend, before I raise my finger, more © Think about it. After all, you don't have all the information. After a while, you'll be relieved. Leo (July 24 to August 23) we are all trying to create the image of a fortressYeah. We don't like vulnerability. So we build walls and fences, trying to hide our feelings and our true thoughts about something. We believe that no one can turn us into knives. Other times, we use simpler things to show, such as changing the color of the hair. This weekend, he thought of the battle. Maybe, you haven't found yourself. Once you do, everything will be fine. Virgo (August 24 to September 23)RTO stands for everything, depending on our concerns. For example, if we discuss with our partner what color our room should be covered with, we can ask someone who is good at conflict resolution for help. Although I think it's better for the two of you to speak up in this case. With your Regent planet connected to Venus this weekend, you will have the opportunity to resolve some conflicts. All you have to do is do your best.Jetiva may. Libra (September 24 to October 23) many people speak in silence. Maybe, because we think they're easy to predict. Although I think the best way is to say what we think they will say. In many cases, they surprise us, they have unexpected answers. But the truth is that if we humans have a conversation, there's a reason: listening to other people, in many cases, helps us. The problem isWe will always protect ourselves with what we already know. This weekend, yes © brave. You'll appreciate it. Scorpio (October 24 to November 22) I believe vegetarians will feel uneasy about other people's seals. When you show concern for animals, you may think you are a hypocrite. In fact, I believe more than once they will answer why © Then swallow. Others will say that plants are the same © They are creatures. LineMites? are necessary, but this weekend, before you build them, make sure these people are on your side. Sagittarius (November 23 to December 21) to encourage people to do things, they usually say "if you want, you can.". I won't let you lose your mind. But when there is more than one way to do the same thing, there is a conflict. In this case, there is always someone trying to impose their way or point of view. It's dangerous. Others are-Then they either comply or stand up. It's in his hands. This weekend, don't put yourself in the best place for you, but weigh the possibilities in front of you. Capricorn (December 22 to January 20) you must have been told more than once to stay the same. As soon as you hear him, you don't know why ©. It's like we just let it go. No one should do that, or he risks releasing another © storm. The problem isWe all need some sparks in our lives. Your Regent planet Saturn suggests you have fun this weekend. Aquarius (January 21 to February 19) I dare say that when we do something, we don't do it out of mistakes. T
he consequences often happen when we don't realize it. All we have left is to pray and wait for nothing to happen. Yes © I know you are not an avenger, I believe in your sincerity. You just hopeThe people around you are very nice. This weekend, if you have something negative, don't be afraid. You can stay. You just have to believe in your sincerity. Only in this way can you achieve positive goals. Pisces (February 20, March 20) people believe that the earth is the greatest planet in the universe. But the fact is, if we lived in another place, we would have the same idea, and so on, do you think there is only life on earth? You just tell me.You're here against your will. This weekend, when the stars © From your point of view, you will find out what makes you really happy. If you want to know more, please refer to our constellation section, Oscar kainer's daily forecast, Vicente cassania's monthly forecast and Chinese constellations, as well as the compatibility of each constellation. Choose the people on the stranded ship (alexia Rivas, AGUS)You're great, Carlos alba, Valeria Marini, Carlos alba and Laura sager © (n) Full exemption. after © If it's said that Antonio canales is the second survivor to be expelled in 2021 and has to go to the beach with Lola, the rest will have to write down the names of the candidates they left the island, except Melissa, He had immunity because he took Omar Sanchez's leadership over the next week. Olga Moreno listenedHe started the knockout by throwing some flowers on Galera palito dominguan, because Tom was the only one who disagreed with him, while the Moroccan chose isa Pantoja's ex boyfriend for a week. after © Alejandro albali and Gianmarco onestini appeared and exchanged nominations. The Italian explained that he didn't like Alba's way of acting because it made the two companions feel guilty.When he didn't pass the exam, he flatly denied it. Olga Moreno and Omar Sanchez bowed to Tom Bruce. Although the Canary bowed for Descartes, the wife of Antonio David Flores explained that the businessman argued with Marta Lopez for the wrong reason. She shared a commemorative quarrel with Marta Lopez in which their friendship broke up. However, instead of voting for the former speaker of temptation Island, salvame's aides nominated jamalko as "no"I nominated Tom because even if he had a fight with him © "I think he has two nominations and I really don't want him to leave," he explained. Omar admits he's afraid of losing Annabel Pantoja: in her, but I don't know © what © In the end, Melissa had to directly elect the last nominee of the week, which fell on her again, because she was once again declared "leader of the week.". It's a privilege he enjoyed in the first week of the gameShe returned to health after being nominated and even directly asked for her deportation at the hearing. feel © In order to keep apologizing, the influencer chose a Dominic stick, the last one to settle on the island after she left the boat. So the new candidates to abandon the survivors are Tom Bruce, Alejandro albali, Gianmarco onestini and palito Domingo, and their continuity in real life will depend on the outcomeHearing. Gianmarco accused Alejandro of his attitude towards reward: a miserable Carlos Alba collapsed at the gate of the island for the second time, and Marta Lopez and alexia Rivas gave his views on politics © Video of Alfonso Melos